profess xie hongming guangzhou university equipment management engineering consulting co., ltd. was invited to our company during oct. 21st?to 25th?f the fourth phase of tnpm equipment management system project promotion. this phase is mainly focused on inspection of production area, hose fittings warehouse test center, as well as summary of arranged wk in the third phase. after the inspection, the professs the promotion team all praised that?the promotion wk was completed rapidly.

in?the hose fittings?warehouse, the catalog?on?the warehouse?guide boards?has been wked out, the details?are being sted out printed.
during the visit to the wkshop, profess xie gave instructions to the wkshop directs respectively?on their ppt rept,?which is a great help to their ability of making ppt rept. at the same time, profess xie?pointed?out the shtcomings of the previous wk?f the departments to crect them in time,? also cleared the?direction of next step.
yesterdays sun does not dry todays clothes,? yesterdays gly?does not represent todays perfmance.?tomrows blueprint also needs to be?carefully?planned today. we are all running fward, ?we are all dream?makers.?yuelong has stepped on the road to?a new glious journey. let us wk together to embrace?a better future!